The Sheer Of Aboutlessness of Being

Colleborated with Charles Matson Lume (artist), Andy Sturdevant (writer)
Watkins Gallery, 2018

#Artbook, #Artist Book, #Publication, #Poster, #Photography

This project is a collaboration with Twin Cities based visual artist Charles Matson Lume and writer Andy Sturdevant to design an artist book.

Working off the methods employed by the artist and writer, the design utilizes art documentation (both of exhibitions and in-process studio processes), site documentation, travel imagery, material studies and book-specific interactivity.

This results in an artist book that is more than a monograph or catalogue, but, instead, a work of art, complete with different kinds of folding, cutting and material choices. The book is limited to 100 copies. In addition to the design of the artist book, I also designed the exhibition promotional materials, including poster and outdoor banner.